Powerful things happen when businesses choose to invest in quality user experience.
I’m Samantha Pede, but please feel free to call me Sam. I’m a designer & researcher specializing in user experience, user research, and visual design. I love my craft and delight in the opportunity to do impactful work that transforms business through a focus on the end user.
Over the past decade, I've collaborated with and helped drive the design process for clients across several industries from healthcare to travel to education and from startups to nonprofits to large enterprise organizations. Early in my career, I also had the pleasure of creating and leading a small in-house design team at an international non-profit. More recently, I helped establish a user experience practice and led user research efforts at Dribbble. Currently, I’m focused on empowering entrepreneurs at Shopify.
On a personal note, I spend my free time exploring the mountains, practicing interior design, cooking delicious food, and watching movies. My husband and I also own and operate a bicycle and ski shop in Lander, Wyoming and we can often be found riding bicycles with our busy toddler and baby in tow.